Effective Management of Pain Hyperacusis

Colucci, Dennis AuD, MA
The Hearing Journal:
February 2017 – Volume 70 – Issue 2 – p 42,44,45
doi: 10.1097/01.HJ.0000513103.95086.22
Hearing Matters


Regardless of the cause or network mechanisms involved, intense and early treatment is a critical part of the therapy to improve sleep, control headaches or migraines, and the associated anxiety, in addition to controlling sound pain. This is because severe levels of negative reinforcement caused by sound sensitivity and pain support hypervigilance, fear, and the development of psychopathology. Breaking this cycle early on leads to successful reinforcement, a downward trend in awareness and annoyance, and a more controlled sense of self-management. Failure to take early corrective actions can lead to isolation and overuse of hearing protection. Because of the sudden onset of and debilitating changes associated with pain tinnitus and hyperacusis, patients tend to avoid various social activities, especially in the early stages of the treatment process. However, patients should, in fact, maintain interactions to neutralize any negative emotions, avoid sound isolation and quiet time, and gradually increase the noise floor.

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