Prof Dr Margie H Sharpe uses the ICS Impulse Equipment as an objective measurement of both head and eye movements.
- The equipment uses a fast and precise system to assess the vestibulo-ocular reflex providing precise, accurate data based on real-life stimuli.
- The high-frequency stimulus is similar to that used in daily activity that occurs when crossing the street, or quickly turning to a sound.
- Monitoring a patient’s progress and response objectively, and then determining the presence, absence or development of covert saccades in response to Vestibular Rehabilitation therapy is a simpler process with the ICS Impulse.
Prof Dr Margie H Sharpe has adopted this approach as she has found it easier to administer and far more reliable than the manual test, influencing the treatment approach with the additional information it provides e.g. covert saccades.
Patients can see their response at the time of testing and progressively during their Vestibular Rehabilitation programme, meaning their results can be explained to them immediately.
“Using the ICS Impulse has made evaluation of the dizzy patient easier and has increased the accuracy, objectivity and reliability of my findings. Ultimately, I envision the ICS Impulse will fine tune and tailor the rehabilitation program for the individual patient, thereby hastening rehabilitation and discharge.”
Using the ICS Impulse Equipment is generally the first step towards diagnosis and subsequently early treatment.
As a primary practitioner it is imperative to have appropriate equipment to evaluate the vestibular system and refer patients to the appropriate medical specialist if indicated. This technology enhances the accuracy and reliability of evaluations of the dizzy patient, in particular the function of all six semicircular canals using natural stimuli (high frequency). In general the technology provides the public (patients) and medical community with best world practice.