Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach to the Dizzy Patient | COURSE FAQ

We received a question about our current course offering from a musculoskeletal physiotherapist.

Why would I benefit from attending this course?

Our response;

There are many causes of dizziness eg Vit B12 deficiency, anaemia, cardiac, CNS problems, anxiety and depression and other metabolic disorders, as well as upper cervical spine or inner ear disorders (vestibular disorders) which most times present with vertigo (a hallucination of movement).

The Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach to the Dizzy Patient gives you a greater awareness/point of difference on your colleagues – and of those within our own industry.

Although I have worked in the field of vestibular physiotherapy for many years, I still need to be able to determine whether the patient’s dizziness is due to a vestibular disorder.

If they are, I treat the patient.

If they are not, I refer to the right health professional for further diagnosis.

For example, if there is no vestibular disorder (inner ear) and I am aware it is a cervical problem, I refer them to Dean Watson. This includes those with Vestibular Migraine, as VRT does not help VM (the evidence suggesting it does is very weak).

Additionally, those patients who have an anxiety disorder and/or depression are referred to a psychologist who specialises in vestibular disorders as well as tinnitus. Then there are occasions when the patient has a vestibular disorder, as well as anxiety. This may require a mix of health professionals to help with their rehabilitation. Or, there are patients who I refer to an ENT like John Tomich or a Neurologist-neuro-otologist.

The course gives you an understanding of when you must treat patients with a vestibular disorder yourself and when to refer to the right health professional! Therefore, we highly recommend you attend the course, if for no other reason your patients will be happier with the outcomes from your consultation as they will feel more informed and prepared for their own rehabilitation journey.


To book into the latest Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach to the Dizzy Patient, please visit;