For many people maintaining balance isn’t easy. It can be a challenge to understand why they suffer conditions that make it difficult to perform one or more basic activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, or simply getting around inside the home.
Vestibular patients referred to Prof. Sharpe have typically already suffered long-term lifestyle impacts.
From ICS Impulse software to Infrared Video Oculography Frenzel Goggles and video Head Impulse Test (v-HIT), your earlier diagnosis can lead to quicker rehabilitation and evaluation of specific vestibular rehabilitation therapies.
Prof. Sharpe is the first in Australia to receive and introduce this new software to her patients.
While this type of technology is seen as cutting-edge, it is an essential part of a modern assessment of vestibular disorders, taking the guesswork out of diagnosis and treatment. Prof. Sharpe uses this equipment because it is objective, accurate, reliable, and provides an efficient use of time.
Note; ICS Impulse also makes it possible to test children and bed-ridden patients.