Prof Dr Margie Sharpe

Prof Dr Margie Sharpe

A Deaf Ear is Not a Dead Ear: Looking Inside the Cochlea With Prof. Helge Rask-Andersen

A Deaf Ear is Not a Dead Ear: Looking Inside the Cochlea With Prof. Helge Rask-Andersen

Prof. Rask-Andersen is a specialist in ENT & Audiology, an anatomist, and electron microscopist, and he is a senior Professor in experimental Otology at the Uppsala University and the Academic Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden. He currently runs the Research Department at the Academic Hospital. In this article, Prof. Rask-Andersen explains the intricate functions of the cochlea and […]

Confused by concussion; the research still needs to be done.

Confused by concussion; the research still needs to be done.

. Dr Margie Sharpe has been saying for a number of years, research is needed to look at the effects of mild traumatic head injuries and the connections to dementia later in life. She has said, . “If only we could talk to the brains of our patients with movement disorders caused by disease (e.g. Stroke, Parkinson’s disease) […]

mdDS people out and about – meet Polly Moyer

mdDS people out and about – meet Polly Moyer

This photo was taken at the Cambridge Rare Diseases Network Summit in October. Second from the right is Polly Moyer, one of the co-founders/co-facilitators of Action for MdDS UK. Their website: Polly helps to facilitate the UK Facebook group. She is pictured here with Steph (her co-founder/facilitator), Professor Floris Wuyts (second from left) and Darius […]

Mal de Débarquement Syndrome | Pregnancy Survey

Mal de Débarquement Syndrome | Pregnancy Survey

You are invited to participate in a research study being conducted by Dr. Cherylea Browne, Lecturer in Human Anatomy, School of Science & Health and Ms. Viviana Mucci, Doctoral Student, Antwerp University Research Centre for Equilibrium and Aerospace (AUREA) & Laboratory of BioMedical Physics (BIMEF), University of Antwerp. This research aims to contribute to the […]

Falling Better for Aged Care

Falling Better for Aged Care

Professor Dr Margie Sharpe says, “loss of confidence after a fall all too often translates into avoidance of physical movement/activity. Meaning, we sit for long periods of time in an attempt to avoid falling over. Unfortunately, the lack of physical activity actually causes more falls.” You can think of it along these lines; sitting is the […]

Dizzy Me. Shedding light on balance – a personal story

Dizzy Me. Shedding light on balance – a personal story

Tania Stadsbader is a VEDA Ambassador and author of the book, “Dizzy Me” – a memoir about her journey to get a vestibular diagnosis. She’s heard it all, from hyperventilation to a brain tumour, and from laziness to M’nière’s syndrome. It took doctors almost 14 years to figure out why Tania Stadsbader felt so dizzy. […]