Prof Dr Margie Sharpe

Prof Dr Margie Sharpe

The Société Française d’ORL enjoys a growing number of physiotherapist attendees

The Société Française d’ORL enjoys a growing number of physiotherapist attendees

The Soci’t’ Française d’ORL (French Society of ORL and Surgery of the Face and Neck) hosted the IFOS ENT World Congress in Paris, June 2017. Reference; IFOS is the International Federation of Oto – Rhino – Laryngological Societies and was founded in 1965 to provide continuity between World Congresses. It has evolved to deal on a […]

Highly Precise Wiring in the Cerebral Cortex; Margie shares

Highly Precise Wiring in the Cerebral Cortex; Margie shares

Connectomics and Cortical Transistors Margie shares; German scientists have recently discovered a precise nerve cell connectivity pattern (nerve cell circuits) in part of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for orienting us in space. These grid cells provide a very particular representation of the space around the individual human and are known to be active when […]



You are not alone in your struggle with dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, vision problems, brain fog, and the other debilitating symptoms of a vestibular disorder.  Vertigo and dizziness are the second most common complaint after headache.  What can be difficult for both a patient and his or her doctor is that the word “dizziness” is a […]

Catching Mariella Graziano from Luxemburg

Catching Mariella Graziano from Luxemburg

CENTRE UPDATE Professor Dr Margie Sharpe is currently overseas – however she has sent us an update of her with colleague Mariella Graziano, from Luxemburg, who she keeps bumping in to… 1.  On left is IFOS Paris Conference June 2017 2.  On right is WCPT Congress Cape Town South Africa July 2017. Note; Mariella is a physiotherapist, active […]

Habituation ; What is it?

Habituation ; What is it?

We previously wrote about; Habituation ; Adapting to overcome dizzy In this article we ask you to consider; Do habituation exercises, proclaimed by some within our industry for both adult and paediatric patients with vestibular disorders, actually activate habituation mechanisms? Most people believe that habits are formed by completing a task for 21 days in […]

COURSE UPDATE | Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach to the Dizzy Patient

UPDATE 20 April 2017. Closed for 2017 bookings. Expressions of interest now accepted for entry into the 2018 Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach to the Dizzy Patient course offering. Please contact us for more information (and although similar timings, dates are yet to be confirmed for 2018).   There are still a few spaces left for our […]